Bik Van der Pol
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Selected Bibliography
Cinema/Notebook, a notebook for spatial research. Case study: Leidsche Rijn. Edited by Apolonija Sustersic, published by Bureau Beyond, Utrecht, 2009
Three stories about building New Belgrade, Zoran Eric. In: Questioning History / reflect 07 - Imagining the past in contemporary art. published by NAI publishers, 2008
Four-leaf Clovers, Love-letters and Lollipops, text by Bik Van der Pol, in: Arkive City, published by Interface, University of Ulster, Belfast, 2008
Art as Urban Strategy - Beyond Leidsche Rijn, text by Bik van der Pol, published by NAI publishers, 2009
Open 14: Art as a Public Issue. How art and its institutions reinvent the public dimension, published by NAI publishers/SKOR
Istanbul, 59 Locations, A Project For Nightcomers, Istanbul Biennial 2007, published by Bik van der Pol
Selected Bibliography
The Lost Moment, edited by Bik Van der Pol and Fatos Ustek, published by Bik Van der Pol,
ISBN 978-90-812018-1-0, available at
Fly Me To The Moon, with texts by Jennifer Allen, Bik Van der Pol, Wouter Davidts, Frans Von der Dunk, Jane Rendell, published by Sternberg Press,, 2006
Casco Issues 9: Past Imperfect. Concept by Bik Van der Pol, compiled & edited with Lisette Smits, designed by Will Holder, with texts by Guus Beumer, Will Bradley, Jason Coburn, Stuart Comer, Steve Rushton, Bik Van der Pol, Jan Verwoert, a.o. Published by CASCO and Revolver
Bik Van der Pol, With Love From The Kitchen, NAI publishers, 2005. With texts by Jean Attali, Wouter Davidts, Charles Esche, Mary Jane Jacob, Arno van Roosmalen, Sven Lütticken, Jan Verwoert
The No-Seeums, text about work of Libia Pérez de Siles de Castro and Olafur Eliasson