Bik Van der Pol
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Other activities
selection of films from collection Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Be(com)ing Dutch, symposium, van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven
Cordially Invited Connecting Art and Anthropology (CAA), organised by Amanda Ravetz, Manchester Metropolitan University, workshop

Jump into cold water: summer academy 2006, Shedhalle, Zurich
Archiving disappearance, symposium Nr.1: The introduction, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art, Istanbul, organised by Krist Gruijthuijsen, with guest speakers Bik van der Pol, Brian Holmes, Alexander Koch, Anders Kreuger, Raimundas Malasauskas, Bob Nickas, Seth Siegelaub
Hospitality, Space, TravelL, Translation, symposium, Olivetti Foundation, Rome

Artist as contemporary witness and the limits of sociological vision, IKT congress, Cracow, Poland, in panel with Irit Rogoff, Roger Burgel, Adam Szymczyk and Anselm Franke
Nederland niet Nederland, van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven, symposium
Other activities
Twist to Wild Life TWL, Workshop for SMS (School of Missing Studies), Halle School of Common Properties, Werkleitzbiennale, Halle (Germany)
Para Education Department, Tracer, TENT., Rotterdam, presentation Platforms + Presentation: art as discussion piece, project for Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam
Cordially Invited, concept and production of project by Bik Van der Pol for Nomads & Residents, BAK, Utrecht, in collaboration with Solvej Helweg Ovesen, see also Cordially Invited (eflux)
Curators and Artists: Changing Relations and Perspectives, MJ Manifesta Jounal, CAC Vilnius, Vilnius
Kunstverein München, MünchenTeasing Minds, project for SMS (School of Missing Studies), concept Bik van der Pol, Maria Lind and Stealth Group
SMS, School of Missing Studies, Rotterdam, Munich, New York, Belgrade
One:One, Clear the line, I'm sending myself right now, curated by Bik van der Pol

School of Missing Studies, initiated by Bik van der Pol, Sabine Von Fischer, Srdjan Janovic Weiss
Nomads & Residents,