Bik Van der Pol
· index · notes · books
nov. 24
The poem that jumps the fence
jul. 23
Mosaic: Special Issue: The Archive Issue
may. 23
At The Edges Of Sleep - Moving Images And Somnolent Spectators by Jean Ma
dec. 22
These Birds of Temptation – intercalations 6
oct. 15
AS ABOVE SO BELOW now stored in the space of Google maps
jul. 23

Mosaic: Special Issue: The Archive Issue

This is what we did during the covid years: a lot of in-depth reading as site-specific research, into the pile of circa 50 Mosaic Magazines, from the first Issue (October 1967) to now. Mosaic issue 54.2 is the first result: a special archival issue developed as the first part of a collaborative project between us, the magazine and Shep Steiner. Shifting through fifty years of old issues and forty times as many published essays, we collectively selected twelve texts to republish.
The second part of the project is developed as a series of lectures, published in subsequent issues: ( Mosaic 55.1 (with texts by Erin Manning, Paul Huebener, Jonas Staal, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Anna-Sophie Springer and Etienne Turpin, and Steven Duval and Marina McDougall), and Mosaic 55.2: Relative Time/Little Time Proceedings, Part 2.

introduction about our work and collaboration with Mosaic, by Shepherd Steiner and Karalyn Dokurno.