Bik Van der Pol — Life, once more, continues to be free and easy

Life, once more, continues to be free and easy

O_P PROCESSOS_OBERTS Terassa, Spain 2004

The increasing ability to move from one place to another creates as much possibilities as commotion, both among those who are and those who arrive. Due to that, 'original' and 'authentic' are becoming less valid notions, or at least, less distinct. Animal life appears not so much different from the life of humans. Usually introduced by other factors than pure will, the consequences of new settlers have a huge impact on public space and its joint use. Life, once more, continues to be free and easy is a project developed for O_P PROCESSOS_OBERTS, Terassa, Spain, July 2004, and it is conceived as a campaign for the Monk parakeets. The Monk (or Quaker parakeet) manifests itself more and more in the public realm of Terrassa since they first arrived in Spain in the 1970s. The project consists of 12 picnic blankets and a series of posters. During O_P PROCESSOS_OBERTS, a Sunday afternoon picnic was organized in Parc Vallparadis, one of the locations with a large population of Monk parakeets.
After the project the picnic blankets will stay in Terrassa: they are given to different schools and 'esplais'. Esplais are leasure groups for children, similar to boyscouts but not religious. Esplais organize activities and games, during weekends and summer time such as drawing, going to the park, and many others. Esplai is a Catalan word that means free time to enjoy. The picnic blankets are accompanied by information material on the birds. The title is after Guy Debord's collage, Life continues to be free and easy (1959) Design of the poster: Ben Laloua/Didier Pascal, Rotterdam/Paris
map terrassa_th.jpg
locations in Terrassa
Guy Debord ad Asger Jorn, Life continues to be free and easy, 1959, collage